Cloud Providers

cloud computing Providers

Different Cloud Computing stages are accessible today. The accompanying table contains the well known Cloud Computing stages:

SNPlatform Description


This is a advancement stage. This gives a basic UI and gives clients a chance to sign in, manufacture an application, and push it in the cloud.

2 Appistry

The Appistry's CloudIQ stage is effective in conveying a runtime application. This stage is exceptionally helpful to make adaptable and benefit arranged applications.

3 AppScale

The AppScale is an open source stage for App Engine of Google applications.

4 AT&T

The AT&T enables access to virtual servers and deals with the virtualization foundation. This virtualization framework incorporates system, server and capacity.

5 Motor Yard

The Engine Yard is a rails application on distributed computing stage.

6 Enomaly

Enomaly gives the Infrastructure-as-a-Service stage.

7 FlexiScale

The FlexiScale offers a distributed computing stage that permits adaptable, versatile and robotized cloud framework.

8 GCloud3

The GCloud3 offers private cloud arrangement in its stage.

9 Gizmox

The Gizmox Visual WebGUI stage is most appropriate for growing new web applications and modernize the heritage applications in light of, DHTML, and so forth.

10 GoGrid

The GoGrid stage enables the clients to convey web and database cloud administrations.

11 Google

The Google's App Engine gives the clients a chance to construct, run and keep up their applications on Google framework.

12 LongJump

The LongJump offers a business application stage, a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

13 Microsoft

The Microsoft Windows Azure is a distributed computing stage offering a situation to make cloud applications and administrations.

14 OrangeScape

OrangeScape offers a Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) for non-software engineers. Building an application is as simple as spreadsheet.

15 RackSpace

The RackSpace gives servers-on-request by means of a cloud-driven stage of virtualized servers.

16 Amazon EC2

The Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) gives the clients a chance to design and control registering assets while running them on Amazon condition.

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