Cisco CCNA Cyber ops scholarships
The grant is a self-guided e-learning way comprising of three courses and the two exams. The primary course is the "Prologue to Cybersecurity" that is done on the Cisco Networking Academy platform and simple to finish. The other two courses are done on the Lumicybersecurity stage. The second course is the "Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals" (SECFND) and the third course is the "Executing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations" (SECOPS).
Beneficiaries of the grant can endeavor every exam after the individual course or they can hold up until the point that they complete the whole program. There is tutoring and instructing for all courses from key Cisco Authorized Learning Partners, for example, Global Knowledge, Fast Lane, and so forth. The cost of everything (preparing, coaching and the exam expenses) is altogether incorporated into the grant and the beneficiaries won't need to pay anything out of pocket.
There are a few capabilities prerequisites that beneficiaries of the grant need with a specific end goal to be acknowledged. This incorporates having a fundamental specialized competency where they should have at least one of the accompanying:
* Cisco accreditation, important industry confirmation
* Cisco Networking Academy letter of finish
* 3 years of joined involvement in affirmed U.S. military employment parts
* Windows or Linux aptitude
They additionally should design a vocation in IT cybersecurity, arranged to finish the preparation in three months (90 days) and willing to share an example of overcoming adversity.
I chose to give this grant a shot and connected. I was allowed to finish the evaluation exam with a specific end goal to be acknowledged into the program. I was blessed to be one of the 10,000 individuals chose for the grant program yet I was set into the last associate that was to begin on July 6, 2018. That changed when I discovered that some other individuals had asked for to be moved to a before accomplice, as I had asked for to be moved to Cohort 3 with the begin date being June 20, 2017. The Lumicybersecurity bolster group enabled me to be in Cohort 3.
They permitted everybody in that accomplice to finish the "Prologue to Cybersecurity" course before the genuine companion begin date, which gave us more opportunity to finish the two fundamental courses for the program. The day preceding our partner began, we got an email with the Welcome Packet and a FAQ archive that clarifies what the grant preparing involves.